Saturday, 16 April 2011

Please come back Mr. Robin....

Mr. Robin

Well, Spring is supposed to be here. I saw a robin the other day. I even found him some plumped up raisins which he really liked. He was hopping all over the ground enjoying his feast when from across the yard a VERY short legged Mule deer crashed his party and stole the offerings!!! Alas, after the ruckus subsided and the VERY short legged Mule deer was contained, the robin was no where to be found. The next day a foot and a half of snow fell (this was A LOT of snow for the little robin and the VERY short legged Mule deer to maneuver around in) and the poor little robin was hop hop hopp'in on top of those snowbanks scouting around for his raisins (and probably on the lookout for that very greedy VERY short legged Mule deer too!) Hmm, I thought. What could I do to aid this lovely creature and keep him and his raisins safe from that VERY short legged greedy Mule deer? I will give him his very own feeder. And because he has to deal with the snow (and we're all sick of it) I will make it look like the lovely spring sunshine. I think it does. Hope he likes it. As for the VERY short legged Mule deer, I will give him some raisins too, in a very special feeder just for him.
Very short legged Mule Deer

New bird feeder

Plotting and planning...

Raisins for royalty

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